Saturday, September 18, 2010

Microsoft Lifecam Cinema - A Consumer Review

There are two reasons that I use a webcam and have switched from a Logitech webcam to a Microsoft Lifecam Cinema. First and foremost, I use it for work-related tasks. I hold webinars and create video tutorials for my customers using my Lifecam. Secondly, I use the web cam for personal reasons - since all of my family has moved to other states, it's nice to be able to chat video live streaming video chat with my loved ones.
The Microsoft Lifecam Cinema has an auto focus feature, which I enjoy. That way if I move, or if one of my kids comes into the picture, it readjusts to deliver a crisp, clear picture.
This particular Lifecam model also includes a noise-canceling microphone, which is optimal for my work videos because my customers can't hear the sounds of my pets or kids in the background.
In order to use the Microsoft Lifecam Cinema, you have to either have Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or an Apple MacOS X 10.2 and up. It comes with a warranty of 3 years, which is nice. I haven't owned mine that long, but I haven't had any problems yet and don't foresee any.
I like to use my Lifecam with Skype, because I have a mentor who coaches me and I work with others who I tutor in online sessions as well. The Skype video chat system works perfectly with the Lifecam software.
One thing I liked it that the stand fit snugly on my PC. I've had other web cams that struggled to stay atop my PC, falling off with the slightest nudge, and when you have kids and pets in the house, it has to be secure.
In order to use the MS Lifecam Cinema, you're going to need a CD-ROM drive plus 1.5 GB of space available. Once you have it installed, you're going to be amazed at how crisp and clear the image is and how great the sound quality is.
I was impressed with the widescreen image it captures. Most webcams only give a tiny 4:3 shot. When doing tutorials, if I have a whiteboard that I need to show, or another prop, this comes in handy.
Another thing that's important to me with the Microsoft Lifecam Cinema is that I don't have a lot of professional lighting in my home. In fact, it's quite dim. Yet the Lifecam captured the image and produced it as if I had way more lighting than I really did.

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